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3 min read
Do You Long for Renewal?
I think so many times in our marriages and our lives the challenge is how do I keep the right focus, how do I reset my mind every day? ...
3 min read
Learning to Handle Your Anger
We left off last time talking about needing to stop when we get angry to identify what the “wrong’ really is that has occurred. Many...
3 min read
What do You do With Your Anger?
We all experience anger. There are multiple reasons and situations that trigger the emotion. I want to focus though on the anger that we...
2 min read
Finding Your Soulmate
It might sound like a worthy pursuit but it’s not. The reason it is not, is because it doesn’t exist. It plays well in romantic books and...
2 min read
When Your Marriage is Not What You Wanted
I sort of cringe as I write this title. I am certainly not talking to everyone, and some of you may feel shocked. Like what is wrong with...
3 min read
When Your Marriage Lets You Down
Have you ever thought that your marriage has let you down? Have you thought that you expected it to be different than it seems to be...
3 min read
The Challenges of Relating to Your In-Laws
In the last blog we talked about how our families impact us, they may not live with us, but they are there! Today I want to ask you to...
3 min read
Family & Your Marriage
This is a loaded topic. The next couple of blogs I am going to talk about different aspects of how your family impacts your marriage....
3 min read
How Were You Taught to Love?
That is sort of an interesting question. Like, is there a class you take, or did your parents sit you down and go over what it means to...
3 min read
Do You Like Questions?
Well, I guess it might depend right? If it's from your boss and you feel integrated, then no you probably don’t. If it is something...
3 min read
You have the Road Map, Now What?
You know where you want to go, you have a map, now what do you do to get started? I think in many ways, forging a marriage is like...
3 min read
Do You Need a Road Map for Your Marriage?
Last week’s blog was about intentionally deciding you want a great marriage, not settling for an “ok” marriage. The idea was to start to...
3 min read
God’s Design for Marriage
Alright guys. We have been focusing on the need to be intentional about the design of your marriage this week. Just like a beautiful golf...
3 min read
Does a Perfect Marriage Exist?
I am going to go out on a limb and be bold and say “No, and absolutely No!” . I know this because I know what God says about us. “There...
3 min read
When Trust is Broken
Oh heavens, this is so hard but so often the reality is that we do experience broken trust in our marriages. I realize that this is a...
3 min read
How Can I Have Spiritual Intimacy in My Marriage?
Well, the answer to that is, "it depends."All of the other areas of intimacy can really apply to any couple but spiritual intimacy only...
3 min read
The “E’s” of Intimacy
You can probably think of one of them easily, it’s emotional intimacy; but maybe the other is harder to come up with. It is experiential...
3 min read
How Intimate is Your Marriage?
I am not talking about physical intimacy (I hope you do but that is only part of it). I am asking about a level of deep connection that...
3 min read
When Your Marriage is Not in a Good Place
Truth is always liberating; it is always the best way forward. Blindness and denial are only bondage.
2 min read
Husbands, Choose Your Priorities Wisely
Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37, NLT) For...
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