Marriage Coaching
Marriage Coaching is focused on helping a couple move from where they are to where they want to be. It is forward-focused, works to determine their unique goals, and provides tools to move the couple towards the marriage they desire.
Marriage Coaching provides couples with the resources and accountability to create the marriage they envision. Our belief is that marriage may be one of the most challenging things we ever do, but doing it well, can be one of the greatest joys we have in this life.

"Several years of health challenges, both in our immediate and extended family, had taken its toll on our marriage. We were exhausted and reached a point where we knew we could either continue forging the current path of frustration and unhappiness or ask those we trusted to help refocus us. Johnny and Carla, long standing spiritual mentors of ours, met with us numerous times over the course of several months for marriage coaching. They helped us set goals for our marriage, gave us practical ways to better our communication and determine where our stress points were with each other, and coached us in demonstrating love to our spouse in ways that met the other’s needs. Johnny and Carla equipped us with a set of tools that were much needed 20+ years into a marriage and those that met our unique family’s needs. They listened, prayed over us, and were persistent in teaching us ways to strenthen our marriage and love for each other."
What Marriage Coaching Looks Like:
Marriage coaching is usually done with an individual couple but can be done in small group setting.
The couple will be asked to complete a marriage assessment as a baseline. After completing the on-line assessment, we meet with the couple to discuss the assessment, determine goals, and set up meeting times. Most coaching sessions are about 1-1.5 hours in length, and usually around 6-8 meeting times.
Coaching provides couples with the tools necessary to move toward the marriage they envision and provides accountability for their movement toward those goals.
Just as a sport coach teaches, demonstrates, and encourages, they also expect the athlete to put in the time and work to improve their skills. They hold them accountable. As marriage coaches, we will do the same. Couples need to be intentional in building their relationship using the tools they receive in coaching.
What Marriage Coaching Is Not:
Marriage coaching is not counseling and is never meant to replace counseling. Marriage coaching is a more forward movement. It is not focused on dealing with past issues, wounds, or their root causes. These may need to be dealt with for some couples and counseling is absolutely recommended and encouraged. They may need counseling to process root issues that are affecting them currently.
Once those have been addressed, a couple may then benefit from marriage coaching where they can move forward toward a healthy, stronger marriage.