I awoke this morning from a precious dream. In my dream, I was trying to call Johnny to tell him I needed him to come pick me up (not certain where I was). I looked over to see that Cole, who looked about 9 months old, was sitting on the floor and he had fallen asleep. I went over to pick him up. As I picked him up, I thought I am going to just hold him all day. Then I woke up and that precious dream was just that. Cole is not 9 months old, and I am not picking him up even as real as that felt. He is grown and getting married in about a month.
Today is Thanksgiving and I have shed some tears this morning. Today is the first holiday Johnny and I have had that none of our children are with us. Today is our middle son Kemper’s birthday, which I haven’t celebrated in person for many years. Today is the reminder of this week many years ago when Johnny and Zach left to take the train to California for Zach’s heart surgery. Zach could not fly due to his heart condition. I was going to spend Thanksgiving with the other two boys and then fly out to meet them. This week of the year always marks that final journey to the end of Zach’s life.
I did not plan on today feeling so tearful. I did not realize all of the tender emotions of the memories and the changes. I am thankful for the tears; they are part of the way we express what many times words cannot convey. They allow our soul to release some of its pain and sorrow. Amid the tears God reminded me of some truths that I want to share.
· God collects our tears. “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recoded each on in your book.” (Psalm 56:8, NLT)
· Grief, heartache, sadness, loneliness and pain all are part of this fallen, fractured world that we live in.
· But one day God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. Everything that is hard now we will never have to experience again if we are in Christ Jesus. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death. Neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21:4, KJV)
· Even when we long for those not here with us, whether through death, separation, or by choice, God invites me into His presence every day. God is never NOT present. He offers me a seat at His table every day. He offers me a chance to discover more of Him in his word. He always wants to dine with me. God is always good.
So, on this Thanksgiving Day, through the tears, God has reminded me again of His greatness and goodness. I pray that if you are experiencing your Thanksgiving with tears, remember the One who holds not only your tears but He holds you as well.
~ Carla