It is a crazy thing but our marriages really are like a coin in that there are two distinct sides. I want to talk about one of the sides today. This side of the coin represents what marriage was intended to be. Marriage was created and ordained by God to be this incredible gift of a man and women united together and becoming one in spirit, soul and body. It is this amazing thing where we get to experience life together with our husband in a way that is unlike any other human relationship we will ever have.
Now, we live in a broken sinful world. We lost the perfect relationship when sin entered the world but, because of the cross, we can experience aspects of God’s richest blessings in our marriage. The reason we can do this is because for two believers we have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. We can choose to love in a sacrificial way, we can choose to be kind and tender toward our husband. We can be an instrument of helping meet our husbands needs in a deep and personal way. This is what God had in mind, we would move toward this incredible oneness and experience a connection like no other. Of course we will never do this perfectly, but because we do live on the other side of the cross, we have the power to redeem some of what God intended in our marriages.
Satan hates marriage. He hates that God created it and he loves to destroy it.
I know that so many times I do not walk in the power of choosing to love unselfishly (allowing God to love through me). Many times, I am selfish and choose to do what I want to do. But when I do walk and live in that place of allowing God to love through me the beauty of seeing how I can be that person that God uses to touch my husband at his core is powerful. The intimacy that God desires for us to have with our husbands is a beautiful thing.
Satan hates marriage. He hates that God created it and he loves to destroy it. He also knows that as believers we can redeem what was lost in the garden. We can experience aspects of this powerfully intense relationship that brings us great delight and joy. Let’s not allow Satan to “win” here. Don’t settle for your marriage being “fair” or just ok. God called it Good! Let’s work to experience every bit of this side of the coin. Let’s let it delight us!